Therapy services

Our diverse team of experienced allied health clinicians work closely with you and your supports to ensure you achieve specific goals, reach your potential, and lead a more meaningful and engaged life. Our range of therapy services are provided individually or through a coordinated multidisciplinary team-based approach depending on your needs.

With targeted assessments, and individualised therapeutic plans, all therapy interventions are functional and evidence-based. Our services are delivered at our local consulting rooms, in the home, in the community or at another appropriate location.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy supports you to build skills and confidence by taking part in a range of everyday activities, including:

  • Building skills for independence at home, day service, work or leisure activities 
  • Enabling meaningful participation in the community and group activities
  • Accessing specialist equipment and giving guidance and support with home modifications 
  • Adapting to life transitions such as decreased mobility or aging

St John of God Accord currently has capacity to take referrals for occupational therapy in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. Find out more.

Behaviour Support (BS)

Behaviour Support is focused on increasing your quality of life by determining the reasons behind triggers and challenging behaviours. Our practitioners work with you and your environment to identify causes and develop strategies and skills for replacement. 

Our BS practitioners assist you with:

  • Functional Behaviour Assessment
  • Development and implementation of Behaviour Support and response plans 
  • Direct intervention and skill development.
  • Provision of training for support networks 
  • Monitoring and review of plans and interventions.

St John of God Accord currently has capacity to take referrals for Positive Behaviour Support in the north and north-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Find out more.


Psychologists work alongside you, your family, educators, and support workers to support your learning, development and participation:

  • Behaviour support and assessment 
  • Emotional and relationship support 
  • Social skills
  • Transitions
  • Specialised individualised therapy 
  • Counselling
  • Relationships (human relations counselling and education)

Music therapy

Music Therapy assists you by using music to promote and support health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship. They work with clients of all abilities individually or in groups to assist you to achieve specific goals which may include:

  • Improving communication skills
  • Increasing opportunities for social engagement 
  • Encouraging emotional expression
  • Building meaningful relationships through music

St John of God Accord currently has capacity to take referrals for Music Therapy in the north, north-west and eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Find out more.

Speech pathology

Our Speech Pathologists diagnose and treat communication disorders and challenges, including those in speech, language, fluency, voice and social skills. They work with you and your environment to establish communication that is meaningful and functional assisting you to achieve your goals. Speech Pathologists also assist you to swallow food and drink as safely as possible.

Speech Pathologists have a broad scope of practice. They include:

  • Speech (Articulation and the way sounds are produced)
  • Receptive Language (Understanding language, word meanings and instructions)
  • Expressive language (The use of language, vocabulary, grammar etc.)
  • AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
  • Voice (the way we talk - volume, clarity and speed)
  • Fluency (Stuttering)
  • Literacy (phonological awareness, pre-reading skills)
  • Swallowing and feeding (Managing safe swallowing)
  • Social communication (Social skills)

St John of God Accord currently has capacity to take referrals for Speech Pathology in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. Find out more.


Our physiotherapists work with clients to help them get the most out of their physical movement and life. They assist with treating and preventing a range of movement disorders and health conditions including increasing mobility, reducing pain and stiffness and preventing and recovering from injury. Physiotherapists support clients to participate in activities of daily living and other recreational physical activities.  

Therapy assistant

Our therapy assistants work directly with you under the supervision of our allied health clinicians to help achieve therapeutic goals. Their input may include:

  • Transferring and consolidating skills to increase independence across all settings. 
  • Increasing community participation and social engagement
  • Practising and developing communication skills including alternative communication techniques
  • Establishing routines and strategies tailored to improve overall development. 
  • Using aids and equipment to increase independence.

Call 1300 002 226
