Changes to NDIS plan review process

As of July 1st 2022, the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has changed the process of reviewing your NDIS plan to a phone call-based system referred to as a ‘Participant Check-in’. 

What this means for you is that your NDIS plan will be discussed over the phone with the intention of the NDIA simplifying the planning process that goes with developing and reviewing your NDIS plan.

You need to be aware of the changes to the plan review process. If you need additional funding in your plan let the NDIA representative know.

Otherwise, your plan will now only be reviewed every two years.

We suggest you discuss this with your support person and/or support coordinator so you’re really familiar with your entitlements within your plan for when the NDIA representative calls you.

We are aware this new procedure will work well for people whose plans meet their needs and require no adjustment to their plan.

However, we’re offering some tips to support you with the process;

Tip 1 – Don’t feel rushed

You are under no obligation to take the check-in call if you feel underprepared. You are well within your rights to ask the NDIA representative to call back at a time that suits you, when you are prepared, and/or when your support person is present if required.

Tip 2 – Discuss budget shortfalls

Let the NDIA representative know if you have run short of funding and explain why this has occurred

Tip 3 – Tell the NDIA about any changes in your circumstances

The NDIA needs to know about any changes in your circumstances that impact your situation so you can receive the best outcome from your NDIS plan. Alternatively you can discuss your NDIS plan with the NDIA at any point, read the NDIS information: Changing your plan

Please reach out and call us if you need assistance with planning and support coordination or if you want to speak to a Support Coordinator, we are here to answer all your questions:

  • Phone: 1300 002 226