Community services charter

We aim to respect your individuality and dignity, and offer hospitable and compassionate care.

The Community Services Charter explains your rights and responsibilities and what you can expect when engaging with our services.

Our aim is to work in partnership with you and your support people or carers, where appropriate, so that you are well informed and have a positive experience.

Your rights and responsibilities are consistent with the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, and community services standards and legislation.

Please ask the person providing your care or support if you need more information. 


You have a right to:

  • Access services that meet your individual needs

You have a responsibility to:

  • Be available for your appointments, support or meetings, and tell us when you are not, or if your circumstances change
  • Be aware that in order to meet your needs, you may be referred to other providers with your consent


You have a right to:

  • Receive high quality services that meet relevant national standards and are consistent with your requirements
  • Be supported in an environment that is safe and makes you feel safe

You have a responsibility to:

  • Contribute to a safe environment for everyone Inform us of any hazards or safety concerns


You have a right to:

  • Receive services that are respectful of your culture, beliefs, values, abilities, needs and requirements

You have a responsibility to:

  • Tell us about your culture, beliefs, values, abilities, needs and requirements so that we can support you
  • Treat others with respect and dignity


You have a right to:

  • Be involved in open, timely and honest communication
  • Have input into decisions about your care or support
  • Have someone of your choice included in decisions that affect you

You have a responsibility to:

  • Provide honest and accurate information about you to ensure we can provide support that meets your requirements
  • Let us know if you need any help with communication and ask for more information if you do not understand


You have a right to:

  • Information about your plan of support and care and how these will be delivered
  • Be informed about the service or services you may receive and any waiting times or associated costs involved
  • Request access to your personal information

You have a responsibility to:

  • Ask questions so you can be informed about your needs and options
  • Discuss your concerns and decisions with your caregivers if you do not wish to continue with the service


You have a right to:

  • Personal privacy being maintained and your personal information being kept secure and confidential

You have a responsibility to:

  • Accept that, with your consent, or that of your legal guardian, or on the rare occasion where emergency treatment is required without your consent, your information may be shared with appropriate service providers
  • Ask for your recorded information to be corrected if it is inaccurate
  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others
  • Read our privacy information for more details

Give feedback

You have a right to:

  • Give feedback and have your concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way
  • You can provide feedback or make a complaint online
  • If you are accessing disability support, you can also provide feedback by emailing [email protected] or to the National Disability Insurance Scheme at [email protected]
  • Voice a concern if you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service
  • Know that voicing a concern will not negatively affect the services provided to you

You have a responsibility to:

  • Tell us, as soon as possible, if you are not happy or comfortable with any aspect of the service provided to you so that we can work together to improve our service to you